Japanese submarines and why we need to make sure we don’t end up with the submarine equivalent of coal-fired power stations – on The Strategist, the blog of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
Australia’s Direction on Defense
My latest article and my first time writing for The Diplomat, a magazine I’ve long admired ever since the time, years ago, when it was still produced in hard copy in Australia.
‘Maritime strategy: it would be good to get one of those.’
A Short History of Richard Kline – Amanda Lohrey’s new novel
I will be talking with acclaimed Australian novelist Amanda Lohrey at Gleebooks on March 25 about her wonderful new novel A Short History of Richard Kline.
“I woke with a gasp. And lay in the dark, open-mouthed, holding my breath. That feeling . . . that feeling was indescribable. For a moment I had felt as if I were falling . . . falling into bliss.”
All his life, Richard Kline has been haunted by a sense that something is lacking. He envies the ease with which others slip into contented suburban life or the pursuit of wealth. As he moves into middle age, Richard grows angry, cynical, depressed.
But then a strange event, a profound epiphany, awakens him to a different way of life.
Damn the torpedoes…full speed ahead! My latest piece on Australia’s Future Submarine
The government’s shambolic approach to acquiring Australia’s Future Submarine is alarmingly incoherent and lacking in process. My latest piece for The Monthly.
Australia’s Future Submarine – Sydney Mechanics School of Arts
My submarine talk has been rescheduled, for Tuesday, 17 March 2015, 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Australian writers pick the best books of 2014
I had zero expectations of finding When We Have Wings on this list, as it was published in 2011. So many thanks to Lisa Jacobson for not only choosing the book as her highlight of the year but for going against the trend that sees books having a shorter shelf life than yogurt.
‘Highlight of the year: Claire Corbett’s speculative novel, When We Have Wings (Allen & Unwin), which somehow flew under the literary radar despite its 2012 shortlistings. Corbett creates a dazzling world where the wealthy soar on lavish wings while those less fortunate dwell wingless below.’ – Lisa Jacobson
Best Australian Stories 2014
The Best Australian Stories 2014
‘The art of the story is mostly about the journey, and the economy of means with which the writers here carry us a great distance is at times breathtaking.’ – Amanda Lohrey
In The Best Australian Stories 2014, Patrick White Award–winning author Amanda Lohrey selects the outstanding short fiction of the year. Sometimes fantastical, sometimes raw, and always a ‘shot of adrenaline to the mind and heart’, this collection features exciting new voices alongside the established and admired.
Link to contributor Angela Meyer’s thoughtful review of the collection here.
I’m pleased my story Snake in the Grass was chosen and very much enjoyed reading the whole collection.
British Science Fiction Association – 24 November
I am so looking forward to this – an interview as a guest of the BSFA in the Artillery Arms. My interviewer is brilliant academic, writer and sometime game designer Dr Colin Harvey. This night will be so much fun. Would love to see you there.
Time: from 5pm in the bar downstairs, I think.
Interview from 7ish upstairs
Location: Upstairs, The Artillery Arms, 102 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8ND
Looks like the BSFA couldn’t have chosen a better pub – just across from a cemetery – how atmospheric for a group of SF writers…
Readings at Writers Omi and in New York City
As part of my Writers Omi residency I will be taking part with the other writers in my residency in two readings: one is a reading and Fall BBQ at Writers Omi on Saturday October 18 5pm. This sounds like great informal fun as there will be a reception afterwards.
The second event is a reading at KGB Bar in New York City. If you’re in town it would be lovely to see you there. Sunday, Nov 2, 7pm, 85 E.4th Street.