Very much looking forward to August 6, when, all going well, the Mars Science Lab (MSL) ‘Curiosity’ will land on Mars!
Canberra Deep Space Network (CDSN) Tidbinbilla will be at the forefront on the day as it will receive the first signals from the Mars Rover and hopefully we will know that all is well. Canberra DSN is holding an all day Mars Rover Landing Party and I will be there, catching up with the space tweeps from the original launch tweetup in November 2011.

“CDSCC: Mars Landing Party – Monday, 6 August 2012 – 3:31pm AEST Mars Science Laboratory – Entry, Descent and Landing
On Monday, 6 August, at 3:31pm, the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex is set to receive signals from NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory rover ‘Curiosity’ as it lands on the surface of the red planet.
You are invited to join us for this historic event and enjoy with other fellow space enthusiasts, the excitement and drama as the spacecraft carrying the rover enters and descends through the Martian atmosphere, and then safely lands ‘Curiosity’. We might even see the first photos from the surface!”